Pedro A. Sanchez is Research Professor of Tropical Soils at the University of Florida Soil & Water Sciences Department and core faculty of the Institute for Sustainable Food Systems. Prior to that, he was Director of the Agriculture and Food Security Center and Senior Research Scholar at Columbia University’s Earth Institute. He served as Director General […]
Borlaug Institute Blog
Dr. Montague W. Demment has been an influential advocate for developing colleges and universities in growing nations through his role as Vice President of International Programs with the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities. Dr. Demment will illustrate how U.S. institutions of higher education, if partnered with developing-nation colleges and universities, together can strengthen institutions […]
Alpha Sennon is an international agriculture sensation from Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. He has founded the non profit WHYFARM and developed the AGRIman character to educate youth about agriculture worldwide. Mr. Sennon will deliver a fast-paced and informative lecture about Agricultural Entrepreneurship and how it can used to find Agricultural solutions using a mixture […]
Monsanto CTO, Inventor of GMOs and World Food Prize Laureate, Robb Fraley, will explore the global challenges our world faces and agriculture’s role in overcoming them. Every day farmers battle weeds, insects and disease to bring crops to harvest. By 2050, we will have roughly 10 billion people joining us at the dinner table. Farmers […]
Jeffrey Lansdale is the President of the Escuela Agrícola Panamericana, Inc. (ZAMORANO), which is based in Honduras, Central America. Previously he was the Dean of the Graduate School for the Central American Technological University (Unitec | Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana). Mr. Lansdale has over 30 years of experience in education, working in different sectors. He began […]
Dr. Fuh Seng Shieu is currently the President of National Chung-Hsing University located in Taiwan as well as a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at NCHU. He received his PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from Cornell University. He has been the Dean of College of Engineering, Dean of Office […]
Dr. Fuh Seng Shieu is currently the President of National Chung-Hsing University located in Taiwan as well as a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at NCHU. He received his PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from Cornell University. He has been the Dean of College of Engineering, Dean of Office […]
Dr. Victor Villalobos is the Director General of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA). A Mexican citizen with 40 years of experience in agriculture, Dr. Villalobos was formerly the Mexican Under Secretary of Agriculture (SAGARPA), Under Secretary of the Environment (SEMARNAP), and Executive Secretary of Mexico’s inter-agency commission on genetically modified organisms (CIBIOGEM). […]
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has emerged as a salient threat to human health. Among the contributors to the sustained threat of AMR is the utility and management of antibiotics in food-production systems. There is urgent need for an integrated strategy involving human health, agriculture, environment, public education and policy to identify and map practices, stewardship, knowledge, […]