February 12, 2016
About this seminar
Strengthening innovation in agriculture is fundamental to driving development in the sector and addressing the great challenges facing humanity. Technology in agriculture is critical to adequately responding to future demands. Traditional technologies must be restored and applied together with new technologies, and new technologies must be developed and adjusted to each region. We must produce more using the same surface area, increase production yields and avoid post-harvest losses.
About the Speaker

Dr. Victor Villalobos
Director General, Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture
Dr. Victor Villalobos is the Director General of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA). A Mexican citizen with 40 years of experience in agriculture, Dr. Villalobos was formerly the Mexican Under Secretary of Agriculture (SAGARPA), Under Secretary of the Environment (SEMARNAP), and Executive Secretary of Mexico’s inter-agency commission on genetically modified organisms (CIBIOGEM).