February 27, 2017
About this seminar
A Panel Discussion with Project Team from USAID’s Afghanistan Agricultural Extension Project II
Since the project began in October 2015, the Borlaug Institute in partnership with four other U.S. universities to help improve the lives and livelihoods of farmers in Afghanistan. The Institute leads the livestock component of the project with focused research and extension capacity building. AAEPII’s objectives include building the technical capacity of public extension service providers; increasing household incomes; improving nutrition at a household level; and promoting increased engagement of women in the agricultural and public extension sectors.
Join us for a panel discussion with Terry Hutchens, Project Director for Texas A&M AgriLife on the ground in Kabul, as well as the Institute’s Livestock Officers from Parwan, Herat, and Kabul Provinces. The panel will give an overview of the AAEPII Project and its extension model, share emerging success stories from the field, and express the future needs for extension and livestock production in Afghanistan, with time for a Q&A session at the end.
Texas A&M University
About the Speaker