Agriculture and Food Security Projects
Current Projects

Center for Coffee Research and Education
The livelihoods of coffee farmers, and those along the coffee supply chain, are presently threatened by climate change, diseases and pests, low crop yields, and barriers to quality.

| Ghana, Guatemala
International Agricultural Education Fellowship Program (IAEFP)
The International Agricultural Education Fellowship Program (IAEFP) is founded in partnership with AgriCorps, and hosted at the Norman Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture. IAEFP is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Foreign Agriculture Service (FAS).

| African Union
Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Policy Framework for Africa
The Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Policy Framework for Africa project supports the African Union (AU) Commission’s Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy, and Sustainable Environment (AUC-DARBE) to advance international Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standards (SPS) measures within AU Member States and Regional Economic Communities (RECs).
| Global
Food for Progress Monitoring and Evaluation for Sustainability
The project brings expertise from Texas A&M University to bear on the evaluation of issues in the USDA’s Learning Agenda for Food for Progress projects, structured analysis of secondary data, and econometric analysis, in addition to high-quality systematic reviews of priority topics.

| Uzbekistan
Agribusiness Development Activity (ADA)
The Agribusiness Development Activity (ADA) is funded by USAID and lead by Chemonics, to whom the Borlaug Institute is a subcontractor on this project. The ADA aims to improve the agribusiness sector in Uzbekistan.

| Afghanistan
Afghanistan Value Chains – High Value Crops (AVC-HVC)
The AVC-HVC project will work with anchor firms nationwide to reverse market failures, strengthen backward and forward linkages, drive growth, and create jobs for men, women, and youth along the fruit and nuts, high-value horticulture, spices, and medicinal crops value chains.

| Afghanistan
Afghanistan Value Chains – Livestock (AVC-L)
AVC-L will work with private-sector anchor firms in the dairy, poultry, small ruminants, Apiculture (bee keeping), and other livestock value chains across Afghanistan, supporting their sustained growth.